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What Flamenco Means To MeSara Baras:   The Queen of Flamenco

Sara Baras is in the centre in a red dress, dancing flamenco. Two women in black outfits are dancing in front of her, with their right arms raised. There are also musicians playing guitars and two spotlights in the background.
Sara Baras smiles as she is interviewed
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Duration: 2 minutes

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Meet Sara Baras, the Queen of Flamenco, as she discusses her first memories of flamenco and finding the balance between respecting the masters and bringing your own perspective to the art form.

From flashy footwork to stripped-back, soulful duende, flamenco is a captivating, multi-faceted art form. In this interview, discover more about this style of dance and what it means to Sara Baras.

Flamenco, for me, is my life. It’s a way of life, it’s not a job and it’s something you carry inside…


This episode is part of What Flamenco Means to Me, a series of interviews with some the most distinctive artists working in flamenco today – from the traditional to the contemporary, the purists to the rule-breakers – to find out what flamenco means to them.

Watch more What Flamenco Means to Me