Lorea Burge (In) Company Francesca Miles – Workshop
+ £4.00 building maintenance fee
(In) Company Morning classes are curated by Lorea Burge as part of their research within the Rose Choreographic School.
Lorea invites artists that inspire and complement their practice to facilitate a class at the start of their working studio day. These classes will range across different artistic practices and mediums and are open to experienced practitioners to join in for free.
This session will be led by Francesca Miles. Francesca is a dancer, DJ and creative producer. During these sessions Francesca will be sharing her skills specifically within House Dance, including teaching foundational steps and tools from House.
Lorea Burge is one of 13 artists in the current cohort for the Rose Choreographic School, which is based in Sadler’s Wells East. The artists are supported over two years as they work on research projects exploring what choreography is and can be.
Visit the Rose Choreographic School’s website for more information.
Heath & Access Requirements
We can put a range of things in place to best support your participation in this workshop. Please contact info@rosechoreographicschool.com with your specific requirements