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PwC Presents its PantoThe Little Mermaid

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Join PwC staff and alumni at their delightful annual Pantomime.

As heir to her father Neptune’s underwater kingdom, mermaid Aria’s future seems set in stone – but is there more for her out there, maybe even above the waves? To find out, she does a deal with her aunt Hydra who transforms her into a human, much to her father’s horror. But it soon becomes clear that Hydra may not have her best interests at heart – unbeknownst to Aria, she wants the throne for herself. Luckily, Aria has many friends that help her out, from her loyal companion Finn to her father’s advisors, Claude and Shelly. She also meets new ones along the way, including Chips the seagull and a human called Caspian, whose curiosity for the sea mirrors hers for the land.

Will Aria return to the sea to take her place on the throne? Will Hydra and her slithery sidekicks triumph on their quest for power? And, most important of all, will Aria’s hapless sister Sandy ever find her true calling in life? Join us to find out…

The Little Mermaid logo

Header image description: A stage set up to look like a castle. A large, giant, blue, champagne bottle is shooting out sparks and smoke in front of the stage. On the stage, a large cast of actors, all dressed in lavish, colourful costumes, are posed as if at the end of a musical number. The stage is decorated with a large, ornate, multi-coloured, stained-glass window that is back lit. The walls are painted with blue tree branches and red-topped castle turrets.

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What is the PwC Pantomime?

The PwC Pantomime aims to bring joy to children and spark in them a life-long love of the performing arts by giving them the chance to see a theatrical production at a professional theatre. Each year, PwC gives away around 8,000 tickets to disadvantaged children from inner city schools, charities and community groups, in addition to providing free transportation to the show and an interval snack, courtesy of our generous sponsors. Special performances are signed for hearing impaired children and described for visually impaired children.

The Pantomime is put together by around 250 PwC staff and alumni who work on all aspects of the production in their spare time, covering everything from script writing, costume design, make-up, props, backstage crew, front of house, playing in the band and of course, being in the cast. The PwC Pantomime is an important part of their community affairs programme in the UK and is supported financially by the PwC Management Board and the fundraising efforts of the PwC Pantomime Production Team.

The Little Mermaid will be the 38th PwC Pantomime and each year the Pantomime supports a different charity. This year PwC are proud to be working with Nacoa. Nacoa (The National Association for Children of Alcoholics) was founded in 1990 to address the needs of children affected by a parent’s drinking or similar addictive problem. This includes children of all ages, many of whose problems only become apparent in adulthood. It started as a single helpline and has grown to have UK wide ambassadors and patrons and provides expert bespoke training for any professional touched by the issue of parental alcohol problems.


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