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小鹿脱口秀专场《我的中女时代》 Xiao Lu: The Era of Her

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全球巡演 英国首秀 Xiao Lu’s Debut in the UK

“小鹿是超一流的脱口秀演员。我是她多年的粉丝。” —— 罗永浩(企业家、中国脱口秀鼻祖
“小鹿是我心目中最厉害的女脱口秀演员的样子,有女性视角的独特观察,让所有人在看到她能量的同时,又被她逗笑。” —— 杨天真(企业家
“小鹿就是女王!” —— 邵艺辉(《爱情神话》《好东西》导演
“小鹿的作品是真正的喜剧。” —— 徐峥(《泰囧》《港囧》《逆行人生》导演

“字字精炼,句句用心,兢兢业业,吾辈楷模。” —— 周奇墨(脱口秀演员、《脱口秀大会》冠军)
“小鹿技术特别全面,出梗迅速,新专场不看后悔,看了后悔没早看。” —— 鸟鸟(脱口秀演员、《脱口秀大会》亚军)
“小鹿是这个时代最好的单口喜剧演员。” —— 小罗(脱口秀演员、《喜剧之王单口季》年度十强
“这个是我今年最期待的专场之一,我听说小鹿录节目前就已经写好了,一边感叹她的创作能力,一面嫉妒她的才华!” —— 小北(脱口秀演员、《喜剧之王单口季》人气选手
“机缘巧合看了“第一场”,从此想看她“每一场”。小鹿的“超能力” 让我明白,人真的可以连续笑一个小时以上。” —— 贾耗(脱口秀演员、《脱口秀和Ta的朋友们》年度十强)

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About this show:

Xiaolu is a stand up comedian from Mainland China. You might know her from shows such as ‘The King of Comedy’, ‘Rock & Roast’ and ‘I Can I BB’. Her previous comedy special ‘Nv Er Hong’ took China by storm touring over 23 cities.

Her new special ‘The Era of Her’ promises to be even bigger and better, embarking on a world tour.

Here is how Xiaolu describes her new show:

Before I turned 30, I felt like I was on a countdown. There is a traditional concept that turning 30 brings. It’s supposed to be a time when big things happen. But when I turned thirty I realized, nothing happened at all.

The term “middle-aged woman” has a unique power. Women between 30 and 50 often lose a little bit of the childishness and chaos of their 20s. They’re relatively more organized and relatively sure of themselves, but at the same time face some of the biggest life challenges.

As a stand-up comedian, I’m fortunate that my job makes me think about a lot of perspectives and attitudes, and forces me to create ideas, which in turn end up contributing to me being a more complex person. I like complexity. The world is not black and white. There is no point in having only one ray of light, if it is like a rainbow with many paths, it’s definitely more interesting.

There are many meanings of “ING”, but what I want to talk about in my new comedy special is the part of “ING”, that is experiencing, growing, and feeling the changes in every inch of oneself.

Confusions are endless, but when they form stories that make people laugh, those personal experiences have the biggest value of existence.

I don’t have standard answers for life, only personal experiences. I don’t have a fixed opinion, my point of view changes every three days, and my laughing point changes three times a day, and that’s what I’m most comfortable with. Taking ordinary cards, playing them seriously, staying on the table with fear and trembling, crying and stumbling and laughing, this is, ‘The Era of Her’!”

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