Step-free access
Sadler’s Wells Theatre
Sadler’s Wells in Angel
In Sadler’s Wells Theatre there is lift access to the First and Second Circle and the Mezzanine level.
In the Stalls, the side gallery seats 1-6 and row J can be accessed by a step free route. This entrance can be found by travelling past the lifts and the doors to the auditorium are on the left.
The entrance to the Stalls from the non-step free route is at the back of the Stalls and there is one step down per row from rows U to DD.
First Circle
In the First Circle, row M can be accessed by a step free route by taking the lift to the First Circle. Please note, this row has a partially restricted view due to an overhang from the level above.
In the First Circle, row A can be accessed by a step free route via the Mezzanine level. Please ask a member of staff if you need to use this route.
The entrance to the First Circle is at the back of the First Circle and there are two steps down per row from rows M to A.
Second Circle
There is no step free access to the Second Circle.
The entrance to the Second Circle has two steps up to row F (the middle of the Second Circle) and there are three steps down per row from rows F to A and three steps up per row from rows F to M.

Lilian Baylis Studio
Sadler’s Wells in Angel
Entering through stage door, a ramp takes you up to the café and the entrance to the studio is on your left.
There is step free access to row H which is the back row of the studio and there is one step down between each row.
Please note, the Lilian Baylis Studio is an adaptable space. Whilst the above outlines step-free access for the most common configuration, please get in touch with our Ticket Office before making your booking.

Peacock Theatre
Sadler’s Wells West End
At the Peacock theatre, row Y in the Stalls can be accessed by a step-free route. There is a lift by the main entrance down to the Stalls bar and a second lift by the bar which bypasses the 3 steps up to the auditorium entrance.
When entering the Stalls from the non step-free route, there are two flights of stairs down to the Stalls bar and then a few steps up to the auditorium doors. There is one step down between each row, from rows X to O. A small slope then takes you from rows O – A.
Dress Circle
In the Dress Circle, row J can be accessed using a step free route through our accessible entrance.
When entering the Dress Circle from the non step free route, there are few steps up to the auditorium doors and one step down between each row.
If you need step free access, please make yourself known to a member of staff upon arrival at the Peacock Theatre.

If you require any additional information, don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will be happy to help.
You can email or call our Ticket Office on 0207 863 8000. Our phone lines are open 12-6pm, Monday-Saturday.